In the first reading we hear about Moses and the burning bush. It is probably one of the more fascinating episodes in the Old Testament. Moses sees a strange sight while tending his father-in-law’s flock on Mt. Horeb, which is known more by its other name, Mt. Sinai. That’s right, Moses’ encounter with God in the burning bush happened on the very same mountain that the 10 Commandments were given. He sees a bush on fire, but not burning. As he comes closer to examine it he realizes that this is a manifestation of God. The author tells us that this was an angel. Angels, who are perpetually in the presence of God, bring His presence wherever they are sent. To be in the presence of an angel is to be in the presence of God. This is why Moses was on holy ground, and why he took off his sandals.
We always read the account of the Transfiguration on the Second Sunday of Lent. At first glance this might seem counter intuitive to the spirit of Lent. Penance and fasting come to the fore during Lent, so what does Jesus’ transfiguration have to do with this?
We begin the first full week of Lent this weekend. As everyone is well aware, Lent is a 40 day penitential season. We are reminded of our sinfulness and need for conversion. This season is also the spiritual preparation for Holy Week and the celebration of Our Lord’s Passion in the Sacred Triduum.