We are proud here at Visitation to have implemented The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd catechetical program. It is a reflective-based program of religious formation that helps a child to further develop his/her relationship with God in a developmentally appropriate way. It is rooted in Sacred Scripture, the Liturgy, and the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori. The atrium is a specially designed learning environment where children and adults come together to pray, work, and contemplate the mystery of God and the presence of God in our lives. The atrium is designed to meet the developmental needs of the children and provide beautiful space to share in the process of discovering the Word of God together.
We are currently looking for volunteers to assist in the atrium. If you are interested in this program, and would love to work alongside our catechists to bring Christ to our students, please fill out our volunteer form and we will get back to you! For those who would like to support this program, but do not have the ability to volunteer, please consider donating something from our wishlist. This program was made possible by the generosity of our parishioners, and your continued support is greatly appreciated.
For more information please contact Mrs. Emily McGowan at
[email protected] or (504) 341-8477