In today’s Gospel, Jesus invites us with Peter, James and John to witness a glimpse of His glory. They went up the mountain with Jesus to pray. While Jesus was praying, “his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white. And behold, two men were conversing with him, Moses and Elijah, who appeared in glory and spoke of his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem.” We hear the Father’s voice. "This is my chosen Son: listen to him.” The Father reconfirms his love for his Son. This time it is addressed to all of us, as Jesus appears bathed in the light of glory. He stands between Moses and Elijah—two great leaders in Israel’s history.
"The Law and the Prophets” sum up all that God had revealed to the people of Israel. God, through the ministry of Moses, gave Israel the Law at the foot of Mt. Sinai, and Elijah is one of the greatest of the prophets in the Old Testament who was to return to announce the Messiah. Moses and Elijah found themselves as men who spoke for God. And here is Jesus standing between the two of them!
In this symbolic scene, the Father declares to us, "This is my chosen Son: listen to him.” Yes, Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. He is truth, hope, forgiveness and mercy. Jesus himself proclaims to us, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
The Second Sunday of Lent brings us to the summit of Mount Tabor. We take a look into our life in order to see if we truly know our identity. We are the children of God. We are invited to come to Jesus as the source of truth in our hope and strength.
Have a blessed week!!!